Klail City is the English version, written by the author, of Klail City y sus alrededores. This is the English version of the pivotal novel in Hinojosa's Klail City Death Trip Series, which in 1976 won the most prestigious prize in Latin American fic...
This novel in Hinojosa's Klail City Death Trip Series of novels, which follows generations of Anglos and Mexicans in the fictional Rio Grande Valley of Klail City, Texas, focuses on a character who has previously not taken the limelight: the strong-w...
In The Useless Servants, award-winning author Rolando Hinojosa captures the obscenity and pointlessness of war in the pages of a Korean War journal written by his fictional everyman, Rafe Buenrostro. Drawing from his own experiences, Hinojosa probes ...
When Lee Gomez, a former Mexican government official convicted of murder, is sprung from a south Texas jail, the lawmen of Klail City have their hands full. No one is more concerned than Chief Inspector Rafe Buenrostro of the Belken County Homicide S...
Welcome to Klail City, in Belken County, along the Mexico border in Texas’ Rio Grande Valley. In the weeks leading up to the Democratic primary, Jehu Malacara chronicles the political rabble-rousing of Klail City’s wealthiest citizens in letters ...
The politics of faculty promotions and tenure, the zany protests of a student group, and the works of a search committee to replace a high-level university administrator all unfold at Belken State University in Klail City, Texas....
It's a cool Monday morning in October 1972, and the Belken County Homicide Squad is dealing with a dead body found in an abandoned car in the middle of a cotton field. Lieutenant Detective Rafe Buenrostro and the four other men making up the squad ar...
From Klail City to Korea with Love contains two previously published books in Rolando Hinojosas Klail City Death Trip Series: Rites and Witnesses and Korean Love Songs, which has been long out of print....