A fast-paced thriller set in a virtual world locked in eternal civil war. Its 30 million digital inhabitants are ruled by duplicates of some of history cruelest tyrants. The U.S. president's daughter has become trapped in this terrible world and it f...
The Demi-Monde is a computer-simulated training ground for soldiers. Populated by history's most notorious leaders, it is truly a Cyber-Hell. Ella Thomas was sent there to rescue Norma, the president's daughter, but it has all gone horribly wrong, an...
The shadows of war grow ever darker across the Demi-Monde. Norma Williams knows she was a fool to be lured into the virtual nightmare that is the Demi-Monde. When the agent sent in the game to save her goes rogue and a long forgotten evil is awoke...
Look over your shoulder. Do you see the camera? Then dig that even as you read these words of sedition and denial you are being watched by the ever e-quisitive National Protection Agency. The National Protection Agency â€" omnipresent, omniscient and...
The Demi-Monde is about to reach its catastrophic conclusion . . .For thousands of years the Grigori have lain hidden, dreaming of the day when they will emerge from the darkness. Now that day draws close. Norma, Trixie and Ella fight doggedly to fru...