While vacationing in the mountains, thirteen-year-old Heather and her younger brother Todd call upon God to help them when they stumble upon a deserted Christian camp haunted by a dark phantom and a fierce beast...
Having explored a sea cave and encountered a snakelike monster covered with green slime, thirteen-year-old Nate finds it coming after him on dry land, prays to God for guidance, and searches for buried treasure....
When Jaime and her brother discover an abandoned tree house overrun with spiders, they embark on all-out war against nature before finally learning to accept all of God's creatures, finding friends in unexpected places....
%The story of Abelard and Héloïse is set in Medieval France almost 1000 years ago, however its themes are as relevant today as they were then. Their lives tell a compelling story of unbridled romance fraught with pain and suffering at the hands o...
The story of Abelard and Héloïse is set in Medieval France almost 1000 years ago, however its themes are as relevant today as they were then. Their lives tell a compelling story of unbridled romance fraught with pain and suffering at the hands of o...
Thirteen-year-old Nick calls upon God when he investigates a possible infestation of his neighborhood river by deadly, flesh-eating piranha. ...