This sweeping middle grade fantasy debut by Rochelle Hassan follows Roda and Ignis, who embark on an adventure filled with magic and mystery -- perfect for fans of Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones. Roda isn’t afraid of the monsters th...
A contemporary fantasy YA debut from Rochelle Hassan about monsters, magic, and wicked fae, perfect for fans of The Darkest Part of the Forest and The Hazel Wood. As the only hedgewitch in Blackthorn, Massachusetts -- an uncommonly magical place -- A...
This captivating sequel to The Buried and the Bound draws readers into the twisted and irresistible world of the Fair Folk -- perfect for fans of The Cruel Prince and The Hazel Wood.As a new coven, Aziza, Leo, and Tristan faced evil and triumphed. Al...
The first book in a rich, eerie middle grade fantasy duology full of magic, monsters, and miles and miles of untamed forest, from the author of The Prince of Nowhere. Motivated by desperation and brotherhood, a boy must venture deep into the Nightwoo...
Author Rochelle Hassan delivers a pulse-pounding conclusion to her dangerous and alluring trilogy, The Buried and the Bound, inviting readers into the realm of witches that churns beneath the surface of the mundane -- just as it threatens to boil ove...