Follow the amazing adventures of Roblox Noob through the entries in his personal diary. Noob is stuck in the Prison Life game, struggling to escape from captivity yet striving to travel around the exciting world of Roblox. Can he and his friends Joe...
Follow the incredible adventures of a Roblox Noob through the entries in his personal diary. This time around, exceptional circumstances draw Noob into a game like no other: Murder Mystery. Can Noob solve the puzzle, uncover the truth about the kille...
Follow the incredible adventures of a Roblox Noob through the entries in his personal diary. Noob is now a High School student! Can he fend off the attacks of the school bullies Big Man Stipples and Scrappy Randy? Will he cope with the demands of his...
Follow the incredible adventures of a Roblox Noob through the entries in his personal diary! As Noob prepares to graduate from Roblox High School, his teacher Joe organizes an exciting graduation trip to the Pokémon Brick Bronze game. This trip is a...
Follow the incredible adventures of a Roblox Noob through the entries in his personal diary! As Noob prepares to graduate from Roblox High School, his teacher Joe organizes an exciting graduation trip to the Pokémon Brick Bronze game. This trip is a...
Follow the incredible adventures of a Roblox Noob through the entries in his personal diary. After the horrific events of Lumber Tycoon, Noob finds himself in the bustling city of Eron, where his adventures take an unexpected turn for the worse… Ca...
Follow the incredible adventures of a Roblox Noob through the entries in his personal diary! As Major Creative, Scrappy Randy and Noob flee Kaerfiren’s trap in Natural Disaster Survival, they take refuge at the creative lab. But things soon go sout...
Follow Noob in the true beginning of his adventures as he starts off in Roblox: Work at a Pizza Place! Noob spawns here, and hopes to land a simple job at the pizza place. He's got simple dreams of just getting a good job, sprucing up his apartment, ...
As Scrappy Randy stands to be arrested for his crimes, Major Creative convinces the police to let him choose Randy’s punishment. While Noob shakes his head in disbelief when Major Creative sends Randy to Superhero Tycoon, Randy’s training succeed...
Noob is finally a big shot! In fact, he is part of the toughest and most fearsome unit in the entire game - the elite Phantom Forces squad. But everything changes once Noob's mistake brings defeat to the team. Angered by this turn of fortune, the squ...