Annabel Scheme is a detective story set in an alternate San Francisco where the digital and the occult live side-by-side. It's a short read, perfect for people who like Sherlock Holmes, Douglas Adams, ghosts and/or the internet.
In Scheme's ...
A gleeful and exhilarating tale of global conspiracy, complex code-breaking, high-tech data visualization, young love, rollicking adventure, and the secret to eternal life -- mostly set in a hole-in-the-wall San Francisco bookstore The Great Reces...
From Robin Sloan, author of Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore, the story of Mr. Penumbra’s first trip to San Francisco -- and of how he got entangled with the city’s most unusual always-open enterprise… It is August 1969. The Summer of Love...
At last, the story that definitively bridges the world of Sourdough to that of Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore. It’s all one Penumbraverse.James Bascule is adrift. College beckons -- but not quite strongly enough to actually get him to campus. A...