An enthralling historical novel about a young woman's struggle to become a doctor during the Civil War In this stunning first novel, Mary Sutter is a brilliant, headA-strong midwife from Albany, New York, who dreams of becoming a surgeon. Determin...
The young Mary Cassatt never thought moving to Paris after the Civil War to be an artist was going to be easy, but when, after a decade of work, her submission to the Paris Salon is rejected, Mary’s fierce determination wavers. Her father is beggin...
A rich and compelling historical novel about the disappearance of two young girls after a cataclysmic blizzard, and what happens when their fate is discovered New York, 1879: After an epic snow storm ravages the city of Albany, Dr. Mary Sutter, a...
How far would you go? How much would you risk?Hailey MacIntyre seems conjured from the depths of Samuel Fiddes’s loneliness. Caring for his young sister in the tenements of Glasgow, Scotland, Samuel has known only hunger, while Hailey has never kno...