A documentary crew has descended upon Westside Middle School to detail the life of an average seventh grader named Trevor Jones and his classmates. Using one-on-one interviews and "discarded" drawings, notes, lists, pamphlets, posters, and doodles...
Libby Gardner and Cindy Applegate are smile-without-teeth friends, but they are fierce rivals when it comes to politics. Cindy owned the student council elections in fourth and sixth grades, while Libby came out on top in fifth. Now, they both hunger...
A documentary crew has descended upon Westside Middle School to detail the life of an average seventh grader named Trevor Jones and his classmates. Using one-on-one interviews and film footage, as well as notebook drawings, blueprints, clipboard ...
A documentary crew has descended upon Westside Middle School to detail the life of an average seventh grader named Trevor Jones and his classmates. The one-on-one interviews, film footages, and camp journals will chronicle the dangerous and highl...
During the school day, fifth-grader Allie West is an outsider. Everyone knows the principal's kid might tattle to her mom! But after school, Allie is an insider. She's friendly with the janitor, knows the shortest routes around the building, and hang...
Perfect for fans of the Fancy Nancy and Pinkalicious books, HANNAH SPARKLES is sure to bring sparkly smiles to countless readers. Hannah was born happy! She’s thrilled when she learns she has a new neighbor: Sunny Everbright. With a name like that,...
Cheer along with Hannah Sparkles on her first day of school! Hannah Sparkles and her best friend, Sunny Everbright, are ready for first grade. Their day starts as perfect as pom-poms...until Hannah and Sunny are seated far apart in the classroom. ...