Spanning nearly forty years, the stories in Robin MacArthur’s formidable debut give voice to the dreams, hungers, and fears of a diverse cast of Vermonters -- adolescent girls, aging hippies, hardscrabble farmers, disconnected women, and solitary m...
In this evocative first novel, a young woman returns to her rural Vermont hometown in the wake of a devastating storm to search for her missing mother and unravel a powerful family secret
It’s August 2011, and Tropical Storm Irene has just wreak...
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Robin MacArthur has published 2 books.
Robin MacArthur does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Heart Spring Mountain, was published in January 2018.
The first book by Robin MacArthur, Half Wild, was published in August 2016.
No. Robin MacArthur does not write books in series.