Analyzing the complexity, absurdity, and blessedness of seemingly ordinary people, this debut collection examines the metaphysical assumptions surrounding death. From the end of a relationship to the meaning behind its title, this anthology continual...
In Wanting to Believe, acclaimed science-fiction writer Robert Shearman critiques and examines the whole of the X-Files universe, including the spin-off series Millennium and The Lone Gunmen. As such, this is one of -- if not the only -- guide of...
In Running Through Corridors, two Doctor Who lovers of old - Robert Shearman and Toby Hadoke - embark on an epic quest of friendship: spend the gap year of 2009 (when Doctor Who consisted of a handful of specials rather than a full season) re-watchin...
A little boy who betrays his father to the mercies of Santa Claus. An assassin whose personality is so insipid he erases people with his very presence. This is the history of mankind as told through 21 tales of the comic and the macabre....
I don't like writing at home much," admits Shearman. "Home is a place for sleeping and eating and watching afternoon game shows on TV. There are too many distractions. So, years ago, I decided I'd only write first drafts in art galleries."And the bes...
A woman rejects her husband's heart - and gives it back to him, still beating, in a plastic box. A little boy betrays his father to the harsh mercies of Santa Claus. A widower suspects his dead wife's face is growing over his own. A man goes to Hell,...
Alan and Alice have problem neighbours - they play the music too loud, they leave rubbish in the garden, they're plastic and inhuman. From Remember Why You Fear Me, this story is one of a set of deliciously frightening and darkly satirical tales b...
A little girl is so very frightened of her grandmother's bathtub - but soon learns there are deeper, darker, more personal things to be afraid of. From Remember Why You Fear Me, this story is one of a set of deliciously frightening and darkly sati...
On a long night's train journey into the darkness, a traveller becomes convinced that a mother has resorted to extreme measures to silence her noisy child. From Remember Why You Fear Me, this story is one of a set of deliciously frightening and da...
A father joins the circus to keep up with the neighbours and make his family proud. From Remember Why You Fear Me, this story is one of a set of deliciously frightening and darkly satirical tales by Robert Shearman, winner of the World Fantasy Awa...
What to do when you wake up in the night and find that a spider half the size of the bedroom ceiling is hanging down above you. From Remember Why You Fear Me, this story is one of a set of deliciously frightening and darkly satirical tales by Robe...
A man goes to Hell, only to find his roommate is none other than the ghost of Adolf Hitler's pet dog. From Remember Why You Fear Me, this story is one of a set of deliciously frightening and darkly satirical tales by Robert Shearman, winner of the...
Cindy and Steve, favourites of all God's creations, explore the haunted house in the forest right in the middle of the Garden of Eden. From Remember Why You Fear Me, this story is one of a set of deliciously frightening and darkly satirical tales by ...
An examination of why it is impossible to capture the image of a cat on photographic film - and the macabre story of the one man who managed to overcome the problem. From Remember Why You Fear Me, this story is one of a set of deliciously frighten...
A man trapped in his car finds himself the prey of carnivorous angels - both on the outside of the vehicle, and the inside. From Remember Why You Fear Me, this story is one of a set of deliciously frightening and darkly satirical tales by Robert Shea...
A kidnapped woman starts writing enthusiastic love letters to her captor on toilet paper, and he soon finds out he may be the one who needs to escape. From Remember Why You Fear Me, this story is one of a set of deliciously frightening and darkly ...
A grieving widower comes to suspect that his dead wife's face is growing back over his own. From Remember Why You Fear Me, this story is one of a set of deliciously frightening and darkly satirical tales by Robert Shearman, winner of the World Fan...
Sarah gets a new zombie costume for Christmas - and it's such a sweet and thoughtful gift, and it makes Granny grin so very widely. From Remember Why You Fear Me, this story is one of a set of deliciously frightening and darkly satirical tales by ...
The adventure of Jesus Christ's favourite mime artist--a very talented performer, to be sure, but without doubt also a very annoying prick. From Remember Why You Fear Me, this story is one of a set of deliciously frightening and darkly satirical t...
An excuse and an apology - the Master of the Macabre's oldest friend provides an afterword to his book of horrors, and offers one final horror more terrifying than any ghost stories the late author could come up with. From Remember Why You Fear Me...
The world receives letters from God telling them exactly when and how they're going to die - but one poor man has been left out... From Remember Why You Fear Me, this story is one of a set of deliciously frightening and darkly satirical tales by R...
A doting mother and father are so delighted to find that their two year old daughter is pregnant, and do everything they can to help her. From Remember Why You Fear Me, this story is one of a set of deliciously frightening and darkly satirical tal...
Robert Shearman visits worlds that are unsettling and strange. Sometimes they are just like ours -- except landlocked countries may disappear overnight, marriages to camels are the norm, and the dead turn into musical instruments. Sometimes there is ...
‘All right. Here’s another haunted house story for you. Pay attention. There will be questions later. Maybe even a written exam!’ Irongrove Lodge is a house of stories. It draws those with tales to tell, and it shapes it inhabitants through its...
Showcasing the finest weird fiction published in 2017, volume 5 of the Year's Best Weird Fiction is the final, triumphant volume in the acclaimed series. Editors Robert Shearman and Michael Kelly bring their knowledge and skill to this fifth and f...
A child receives the body of Saint Lucia of Syracuse for her seventh birthday. A rebelling angel rewrites the Book of Judgement to protect the woman he loves. A young woman discovers the lost manuscript of Jane Austen written on the inside of her ski...
'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house not a creature was stirring...But something must be stirring. Something hidden in the shadows. Something which kills the servants of an old Edwardian mansion in the most brutal and macabre m...