When a key player and high roller in a game of sinister political deals is murdered, Athens sends out Captain Kosta Konstantinou, a Canadian-educated idealist, to investigate. On the island of Nostas, he finds among the artists, celebrities, pushe...
“Belly laughs! Really Good!” -- Theater/Film/Book-Critique“Un-put-downable fun!” -- Winslow “Had me laughing so much that I now want him to be my Palm Reader.” -- Gail James“This is a fun book to read.” -- M. BrandtATTENTION: This boo...
Funeral-home frolic: An undertaker in love with an heiress kidnaps her grandfather's corpse to help her find the will the old man wrote and swallowed before dying. Short-listed for the London Observer's PG Wodehouse Comic Novel Prize; stage version a...