After 43 years of separation, David Richards is reunited with his birth mother, who tells him for the first time of his Jewish heritage. The news astonishes David, who was raised a Christian, and prompts a journey that takes him into the crossfire of...
The daily work of a policeman can push an officer into the most debased side of life. Sam Sloan struggles to stay faithful to his Christian ideals while solving brutal murders and heinous crimes. The Empty Coffin finds detective Sloan and his wife, ...
Sam Sloan is dead. But when his wife, Vera, receives the report of his plane going down, she flies to the site and finds no evidence of a crash. Unable to put the puzzle together, Vera and her daughter, Cara, struggle to accept the reality of Sam's d...
In the brooding medieval castle of Colditz located near the German border with Czechoslovakia, Allied prisoners of the Second World War devised every method of escape from twisting tunnels to an improvised glider flight from the dreaded Nazi-held cas...
Christian Reger’s quiet, storybook world collapsed in the frenzy of l939 prewar Germany. Joining the Confessing Church to protest Adolf Hitler and Nazism, the fury of the Reich was unleashed. Ending up in the Dachau concentration camp where 10 perc...
A World War II story of faith and courage, The Secret Road Home is based on true accounts of Madame Ann Brusselman's counter-espionage work smuggling Allied soldiers out of Nazi territory.Jack Martin is an American soldier whose B-17 Flying Fortress ...
Determined to find an answer, Jack and Michelle Townsend set out on a quest to find the original ending to the Gospel of Mark. Following ancient clues, they head for Rome, but what starts out as a scholarly search turns violent as two separate g...
Location: Moscow, Russia Vladimir Putin seeks the defeat of the West, as well as the recovery of world power, with the rebuilding of the Soviet Empire. To accomplish his objectives, he has arranged for the simultaneous assassinations of the three maj...
I am not afraid to die ...-- Father Stanley Rother What makes a man stand by his faith when he knows his adversaries will slay him? Why does he not run when he could escape his murder? How does he stand against fear when he knows assault is coming? F...