Hidden Valley is a fictional story of a young man and his adventures in and out of a hidden valley, located in the eastern part of Nevada. Having recently lost his father, he sold his acreage to a neighbor and left that part of his life behind, in th...
Robert Harvey brilliantly recreates the story of the greatest conflict that stretches from the first blaze of revolution in Paris in 1789 to final victory on the muddy fields of Waterloo.On land and at sea, throughout the four corners of the continen...
Simon Bolivar was the archetypal romantic revolutionary. Born into privilege and nurtured in the Rousseau's philosophy of the Homme Sauvage, it was not until the young colonial visited Europe that the taper of revolution was lit that sent the young m...
The adventures of the daring Thomas Cochrane, called 'the sea wolf' by Napoleon, are so extraordinary that his life reads like a page-turning work of fiction. In one sense it became so, for the novelist Patrick O'Brian by his own admission used Cochr...
The novel is a mystery/thriller adventure that involves a young couple. The couple make a horrible discovery that places their lives at risk. There are multiple unexpected twists and turns that the couple experience as they travel across t...