These are the journals of the students of the Knight Academy. A top secret government school that teaches teenagers how to fight against the mythical, mystical, and magical threats that secretly surround the modern world. This novel contains all shor...
Knight School centers around three students of The Knight Academy, a top secret government school where teenagers are taught to fight the mythical, mystical, and cursed dangers that surround our world. Jason Gardner is fourteen and has lost everythin...
After traveling through the mirror… …she realized chaos was coming. But just who is its master? Fourteen-year-old Marley was an outcast, always outshone by her older sister. Everyday, she wishes her father had never went missing. When a...
After the rise of a deity… …they fled to a magical kingdom. But can they ever return? Nara had spent thousands of years trapped inside her deranged mother's castle. After being enrolled at the Knight Academy, she thought she'd finally...
After Nara died… …the Beast was freed. Will her friends survive his wrath? Julie lost her best friend, her mentor, and her body all in a day. Every time she looks in the mirror she sees Nara's face, and the de...
The Twilight of the Gods is nearing… …and the fate of all rests with one teen. But is he ready to accept his true calling? Arnold's struggling in life. His mother is bedridden, and their funds are running low. But his lif...
With Marley captured… …A new hero must rise.But will their secrets save Mirrorville or destroy it? Reyna never believed in magic or demons, until her life became an actual horror movie. With the weight of two worlds on her sho...
Teenage rocker, Marley Timmons, has always been stuck in the shadow of her seemingly perfect sister. Reyna has always been the star of their family and right now it seems that this will never change. If only their father hadn't disap...
Meet the Mystic Brats! A group of teenagers destined for greatness. From their tragic beginnings to the night that they will forever change destiny, come and join them in an epic trilogy like no other. Jason Gardner: A teenage...