A grand tale of intrigue in nineteenth-century China, where imperial rule is crumbling as the Opium Wars and Taiping Rebellion rage, from the author of Manchu. Loyalty is put to cruel test in Shanghai, where Jewish merchant Saul Haleevie and his long...
In 1921, when Julia Pavernen visits the wealthy family of her Chinese friend in Shanghai, she is propelled into an exotic world of jolting contrasts and witnesses the cataclysmic birth of contemporary China...
New York Times Bestseller: An epic of love and adultery, money and power, set amid the revolutionary turbulence of twentieth-century China, from the author of Manchu and Mandarin. Founder of the Sekloong dynasty of Hong Kong, Sir Jonathan, the illegi...
New York Times Bestseller: This epic novel of the conquest of the Ming dynasty “does for 17th-century China what James Clavell’s Shogun did for 16th-century Japan” (The Christian Science Monitor). Francis Arrowsmith is a man without a country, ...
Bianca: A Novel of Venice by Robert ElegantAt the height of the Renaissance, one vibrant city triumphs over the rest of Europe in nearly every aspect of human life: painting, music, architecture, banking, publishing, medicine and manufacturing. Her e...
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Robert Elegant has published 5 books.
Robert Elegant does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Bianca, was published in August 2000.
The first book by Robert Elegant, Mandarin, was published in September 1983.
No. Robert Elegant does not write books in series.