While growing up on a Texas ranch, Robert Baker nurtured dreams of becoming a veterinarian. But when fate led him to a navy recruiters office in 1961, Bob embarked on a new journey that would eventually lead him to places and into situations he never...
These ten Christmas stories, set in the White Rock Lake neighborhood of Dallas, Texas during the late 1950s and early 1960s, present a young boy who is offered safety, security, and unconditional love for the first time in his life. Thomas Hardy Godw...
12 months had drifted into history; Robert and Jonathan had been sent to Austria in the hope of rectifying their homosexual traits. Now we were under the control of the White Witches. They were making decisions that we didn't always approve of, espec...
Just as I was starting to feel settled in myself and life was starting to be good, I had a rude awakening when my wife was caught with another woman. We separated and her father, a wealthy solicitor tried to convince me she wouldn't do it again. My l...