This is the second book in the Hamelin Stoop young adult fantasy series. Hamelin's story began when he was found as a newborn in a tomato crate on the stoop of an orphanage in west Texas. Hamelin's first adventures with the Great Eagle led him throug...
Hamelin's story began when he was found as a newborn in a tomato crate on the stoop of an orphanage in west Texas. Hamelin's first adventures with the Great Eagle led him through the mysterious cave and finally, across the footbridge. He has learn...
Will Hamelin be summoned again?Hamelin suspects that his friend Layla is the lost princess from the Land of Gloaming. As he describes his daring adventures to trusted friends at the children's home, an intricate tapestry of stories emerges. Layla adm...
Although Layla has finally returned to her family on the other side of the Atrium of the Worlds, she is about to lose the little sister she only just met. As she, Charissa, and Eraina desperately try to wake Princess Sophia from her coma, Hamelin mus...