"I will rest when the Jedi are dead." -- General Grievous One of the most fearsome enemies of the Galactic Republic, General Grievous, has made it his sole duty to hunt down and destroy every last Jedi. In this trilogy of stories, a group of young...
Based on the new Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series. Jar Jar Binks is mistaken as a Jedi as he and C-3PO attempt a daring, and quite comical, rescue of Padmé Amidala, who has been captured by the Separatist Alliance.
Has Jar Jar Binks become a Jedi? That's what everyone thinks as he sets out on a dangerous mission to rescue his friends Padm‚ Amidala and C-3PO from the clutches of the evil Separatist Alliance. Will the Force be with Jar Jar?...
The ruthless bounty hunter Cad Bane infiltrates the Jedi Temple and attempts to steal the Order's most guarded secret. It's up to Anakin and Ahsoka to stop Bane before he can use the secret to bring an end to the Jedi forever....
"With all due respect, General, if someone comes to our home, they better becarrying a big blaster." -- Clone Captain Rex For the members of Domino Squad, it's a long road from clone cadets to elite ARC troopers. From the clone training facility ...
Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker is trapped on a dangerous planet and only his faithful droid R2-D2 can save him from a team of ruthless bounty hunters. Based on the hit animated series, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, this 32-page 8x8 storybook features full...
Based on the beloved Nickelodeon television series SpongeBob SquarePants, this exciting model making kit takes readers under the sea with SpongeBob! Make your own models of SpongeBob, Patrick and all your favorite SpongeBob SquarePants characters. No...
Every child wants to be a Jedi. In the pages of this full-color storybook, Jedi Master Yoda guides the reader on a journey through some of the Jedi Order's greatest challenges. This book is perfect for any Jedi in training....
Based on season four of the hit animated series, this novelization follows the continuing adventures of Anakin Skywalker and his fellow Jedi as they battle against the sinister armies of the dark side....
"Skylanders "was the #1 kids video game in 2011. It is a revolutionary new experience that allows kids to bring real-world characters to life in a video game. These books expand upon the "Skylanders" world to create a unique and truly enjoyable readi...