This is a love story of a girl and boy. It tells a tale of their life, romance, marriage; their struggles, the ups and downs of their lives. It tells briefly about the parents of both of them, but the primary objects of the story are the two. The ent...
This is another love story in The Love Saga series. It is a tale of their driver's life, romance, marriage; their struggles, the ups and downs of their lives. It tells briefly about the parents of both of them, but the primary objects of the story ar...
Another addition in The Hitman Series. It is the story of the kidnapping and successful rescue of the husband and brothers of Diana Red, John's best friend, John and Diana consider each other siblings, love and adore each other very much....
A story of a crime family operating in the years 1900s. The family of Don Carlo Santana is head to head with another crime family, the infamous Marina Corps, who have dared to interfere in their business on their home turf. Don Carlo Santana is a God...