In Seven Ways We Lie, a chance encounter tangles the lives of seven high school students, each resisting the allure of one of the seven deadly sins, and each telling their story from their seven distinct points of view. The juniors at Paloma High...
It’s the start of Jordan Sun’s junior year at the Kensington-Blaine Boarding School for the Performing Arts. Unfortunately, she’s an Alto 2, which -- in the musical theatre world -- is sort of like being a vulture in the wild: She has a spot in...
The only sort of risk 18-year-old Laila Piedra enjoys is the peril she writes for the characters in her stories: epic sci-fi worlds full of quests, forbidden love, and robots. Her creative writing teacher has always told her she has a special talent....
What do you stand for,when you're one of the last left standing? The year is 2072. Soon a volcanic eruption will trigger catastrophic devastation, and the only way out is up. While the world's leaders, scientists, and engineers oversee the frantic pr...
Gorgeous in its sincerity and its precision -- in its raw, honest depiction of what it feels like to be a gay teen in a world that says that you don’t deserve a home.Gloria Forman and Xia Harper go to the same high school in a small South Carolina ...