The Keepers, the first installment of an ambitious sci-fi trilogy, plays out global warfare in the not-too-distant future. This initial volume in Friar's complex and thus far engaging trilogy is epic not only in its breadth, but in the scope of its i...
Futurist writer Richard Friar once again dazzles readers with big battles and saucy science in The Keepers: Part II: Tribulation. Friar skillfully blends history and human motivation with his larger-than-life science fiction fare. In Tribulation, the...
Armistice wraps up the Keepers saga, providing all that fans could hope for and rarely get from the conclusion of similar trilogies. Friar provides a clear ending, which cleanly fits with the entirety of the plot and is rational within the universe o...
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Rick Friar has published 3 books.
Rick Friar does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Armistice, was published in October 2011.
The first book by Rick Friar, World War III, was published in October 2009.