“Bass’s fiction takes us to the borders of civilization, where we glimpse an untamed world of myth and mystery” (Entertainment Weekly). In this “moving and self-assured collection” of short fiction, enormous pigs charge through the s...
Available again, an acclaimed collection from an American master that USA Today called “Powerful . . . lyrical, vivid, engaging.”Originally published twenty-five years ago, Platte River is one of the early collections that established Rick Bass...
Rick Bass's first collection of essays captures the clear, passionate voice of this acclaimed author at the very beginning of his career.
In The Deer Pasture, Rick Bass writes about a family tradition: each year, for more than fifty years, thr...“Two appealing short stories and an exquisite novella” about the relationship between humans and the natural world around them (Kirkus Reviews). This is a “wondrous” (GQ) collection of short fiction exploring the subtle interplay between pred...
“Ambitious and often captivatingly beautiful . . . an extended meditation on the prickly, necessary interrelationship of man and the natural world.” -- Kirkus ReviewsThe first full-length novel by one of our finest fiction writers...
A Los Angeles Times Best Book of the Year: “Uniformly excellent” stories about our relationships with each other and with the treacherous natural world (Publishers Weekly).In the title story, a man and woman travel across an eerily frozen lake --...
This novel of young men seeking glory in the Republic of Texas is “a surprisingly absorbing rendition of a terrible episode in American history” (The Oregonian).The Diezmo tells the incredible story of the Mier Expedition, one of the most absurd ...
This new collection is big in scope, with a broad range of characters and subjects: the title story concerns a woman recovering from cancer; "Pagans" tells, at forty years' distance, of a girl and two boys--one of whom was in love with her--and the d...
Late in 1959, the Brown siblings -- Maxine, Bonnie, and Jim Ed -- were enjoying unprecedented international success, rivaled only by their longtime friend Elvis Presley. They had a bona fide megahit on their hands, which topped both the country and p...
A strange and powerful landscape summons strange and powerful happenings Rick Bass brings a lyrical lushness to the harsh backdrop of West Texas in his masterfully crafted fourth novel. All the Land to Hold Us is a sweeping tale of those who live...
Long considered one of the most gifted practitioners of the short story, Rick Bass is unsurpassed in his ability to perceive and portray the enduring truths of the human heart. Now, at last, we have the definitive collection of stories, new and old, ...
The Masters Review presents its ninth volume, a showcase of today's best emerging writers. Endorsed and selected by award-winning author, Rick Bass, The Masters Review continues its mission of championing new writers by publishing these ten excellent...