Escape From Film School tells the sprightly tale of a young man who makes it in Hollywood without ever leaving film school.When Stuart arrives in California in the Sixties, he is fleeing the draft and he quite literally stumbles into USC's film schoo...
In Spring 1973, Private Invesitagor Frank Corbett is hired by Elena Fernández to find her missing brother, Manuel. Frank's search takes him from Washington, D.C. to Buenos Aires to northern Argentina. Along the way, he is aided by an Argentine j...
Clint Jackson is living in a tiny apartment in San Francisco when, after waking from an alcoholic haze. He receives an unwelcome phone call from his brother John in St. Louis. John informs Clint that their baby sister, Melanie, has gone missing in Pe...
In Spring 1973, Private Invesitagor Frank Corbett is hired by Elena Fernández to find her missing brother, Manuel. Frank’s search takes him from Washington, D.C. to Buenos Aires to northern Argentina. Along the way, he is aided by an Argen...