The shifting sands of the Sahara reveal a secret that could forever change the history of Egypt. Dr. Jack MacGregor and his family, fresh from adventures in the Caribbean and East Africa, arrive in Cairo and soon find themselves embroiled in a bat...
“An engaging, action-packed and memorable techno/thriller for young readers” from the author of Elephant Tears: Mask of the Elephant (Midwest Book Review). A quaint shop in the heart of old Cairo, a lost subterranean chamber, or even Seti...
After surviving a hurricane in the Caribbean, ivory poachers in East Africa, and a Cairo crime syndicate racing up the Nile, zoologist Jack MacGregor, his paleontologist wife, Mavis, and children, Chris, Ryan, and Heather, head to the wilderness of A...
ACCELERATED READER PROGRAM SELECTION SCHOLASTIC READING COUNTS!"An action-packed journey for young adults through the trials and triumphs of wildlife conservation in the African bush." --Delia and Mark Owens, zoologists, authors of Cry of the Kalahar...
In this fifth book in The MacGregor Family Adventure Series, Dr. Mavis MacGregor researches the feathered dinosaur while Dr. Jack MacGregor participates in an environmental conference concerning the world's largest dam project, the Three Gorges Da...
The MacGregor siblings dive into the South Pacific’s underwater world to solve a deadly environmental mystery -- from the author of Sign of the Dragon. When marine biologist Dr. Randy Heath contacts his old friend Jack MacGregor to investiga...
This fifth novel in the series finds the MacGregor clan stumbling into yet another adventure of danger and intrigue. Chris, R.O., Heather, and Natalie are kneedeep in mystery after discovering the hidden chamber of a sunken vessel. As the story un...
This first novel in the MacGregor Family Adventure Series involves sinister pirate forces, strange sea creatures, hospitable native Caribbean people, and issues of environmental management and endangered species. Suddenly faced with the tas...
Ancient Mayan history and legend lead the MacGregors through the dense jungles of Central America in pursuit of a madman -- from the author of Devil’s Breath. ACCELERATED READER PROGRAM SELECTION Deep in the heart of the rainforest of...