King Elosha is dying and his twin sons, Princes Abadon and Johona, are deeply embroiled in a battle over the throne of Sodizen. One is noble and the other is a psychopath. Hoping to end the bloody chaos and restore peace, the King summons three men f...
Having retrieved the first talisman from the top of Mount Jinee, Tsalix and his friends are faced with another daunting task.They must cross Shayeksten, the Desert of Desolation to reach Mount Tsood and find the second talisman. Shayeksten is formida...
With two of the talismans recovered and returned to the King, Tsalix and his friends face a challenge that will take them to the brink of death. Mount Litso is completely surrounded by the Sea of Tabass, which has a whirlpool that travels across its ...
The death of the King creates an even greater urgency to recover the Scepter of Destiny. The final battle between the twin princes to replace their father as ruler over the Kingdom of Sodizen is imminent. Abadon plans strategically to steal the talis...