The Oortian Summer' is a powerful science fiction adventure centering on work colleague relationships in an astronomical observatory as two massive comets approach the Earth. Unlike similar themes in the past, the unusual twist in this story invo...
Not for the faint-hearted, 'The Omega Wave' is a full-length science fiction novel exploring gothic facets of consciousness and human nature. Luper a sensible young scientist finds himself working with Frieda a giddy teenager. As their relationship g...
Each of the characters in 'The Palomar Paradox' deals with the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) in their own way. As in real life, some believe; others don't want you to believe. 'The Palomar Paradox' sees Luper Beauchamps, a brilliant...
A Children's Play is a short play. The three young children, CORA, PAULA and WADE, are around twelve to thirteen years of age. They live in the countryside in idyllic surroundings. They are innocent and intense about life. They speak slowly with grea...