In a the small, Pacific Northwest town of Pineridge, a Warlock, versed in the dark paths of ancient sorcery, leads his coven on a quest to free an ancient, cosmic evil from its eons long imprisonment. Two high-school students, a brother and sister, u...
In the 1960s, the once rich oral heritage among the black citizens of Kingston, New York, has diminished to become mere rumors about fire and death centering around Carla March, who trusts no one until Miles comes to town....
The small, seaside community of Merrow's Bay harbors more than the fishing and crab boats that are the life blood of the community. The town has a secret, dark and malign, that corrupts all around it. A secret that draws Coast Guardsman Alan Carstair...
It’s 1666 and The Great Fire of London surges through the streets destroying everything in its path. Nicole Van Grant instantly acts and begins saving the lives of hundreds caught in their houses. Three Hundred and Fifty Years later in 2016 Nicole...
It’s 1666 and The Great Fire of London surges through the streets destroying everything in its path. Nicole Van Grant acts instantly and begins saving the lives of hundreds caught in their homes. Three Hundred and Fifty Years later in 2016 Nicole i...
It's 1666 and The Great Fire of London surges through the streets destroying everything in it's path. Nicole Van Grant acts instantly and begins saving the lives of hundreds caught in their homes. Three Hundred and Fifty Years later in 2016 Nicole is...