In a detailed exploration of the hazardous 'Special Attack' weapons and forces of World War II, Suicide Squads examines the role of explosive motorboats, midget submarines, human torpedoes and kamikaze aircraft. In addition to weapon development, Ric...
When Polonius the pit pony escapes from the coal mine he’s worked in all his life, he joins a family of Travellers. Although he enjoys the freedom and the fresh air that their lifestyle offers, he wishes he could give something back to the family i...
In this new addition to our â??Travellersâ?? Talesâ?? series, Sonny devotes his weekend to helping his neighbours and fellow Travellers with a variety of tasks. He uses many skills, from calculating the amount of fuel needed for a journey, to rest...
When Janie’s neighbour Mrs Tolen goes into hospital with a broken hip, it looks as though she will have to move out of her old caravan and into a house. Janie is desperate to help, but all seems lost until her school visits a local recycling pl...
An inspiring story about a Romani Traveller family, ideal for children practising reading at home or in school.
Halle and her family are Romani Travellers. They move around and they're very good at fixing and making things. Halle's...
Big Cat Phonics for Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised has been developed in collaboration with Wandle Learning Trust and Little Sutton Primary School. It comprises classroom resources to support the SSP programme and a range of phonic readers....
The Scalpel and the SwordThe Scalpel and the Sword is a World War II novel replete with romance, medicine and action. It will appeal to women and men.It is set in San Francisco—a place where couples met and were separated by the war—and...