The Cincinnati Kid, first published in 1963 (and made into a feature film starring Steve McQueen in 1965), is a gritty novel of smoky back-rooms and centered on a young card-shark (“The Kid”) who eventually finds himself in a stud-poker game agai...
Secret Agent Montgomery Nash suspects his day is headed south when his partner in espionage turns up dead. He knows it’s officially shot when he discovers that partner is a double agent. Now Monty’s bosses are convinced he’s also a defector. Tr...
It's Saturday. Payday. Workers at the railhead prepare for a night of drinking and carousing as the supply train rolls into camp -- bringing with it fresh workers, additional soldiers and, most importantly, the chest containing that weeks wages. The ...
NIGHT BOAT TO PARISPost war life in England hasn't been kind to Duncan Reece. So when Boyler offers to pay him to retrieve a special bit of microfilm that the Reds also want to get ahold of, he accepts the top secret mission. The film shows the plans...