This is the classic story of social justice and outrageous cunning. Robin Hood, champion of the poor and oppressed, stands against the cruel power of Prince John and the brutal Sheriff of Nottingham. Taking refuge in the vast Sherwood Forest with his...
Reuben and his three friends engage in the War in Heaven prior to their journey to the New World, the threshold to eternity. The short time they spend on Earth will determine their eternal status. They quickly discover the adversary they battled in H...
Richard Green has a knack of taking an event or an idea and reframing it to hilarious effect, throwing us off balance into a world of absurd and compelling storytelling. The three wise men desperately try to keep the nativity story straight; a leopar...
Enchanted Forest is a captivating children's book filled with enchanting illustrations that bring the magical journey to life. Young readers are transported to the wondrous Enchanted Forest, where trees blush pink, grass dances in hues of blue, and a...
When an accomplished sailor and her parents learn of a viral attack on the United States while sailing offshore, they plot a course for survival. But can they escape the wave of terror that is coming?What started out as a peaceful sailing trip for an...