It is a rocky outcrop in the landscape, meriting no more than a curious passing glance. Yet Billy Goat Hill is the anchor around which the lives of two boy-men, separated by centuries, will eventually meet. From the dwindling resistence of the Waor...
David Chambers is a member of the religious group 'the Eternal Fellowship'. Their beliefs forbid any involvement with the outside world, and any temptation to embark upon a life with the 'wordlies' is considered a betrayal of the Lord. David's loyalt...
Sequel to 'Righteous Release', 'Iniquitous Lives' picks up on the life of David Chambers eight years on. He is now a history teacher in a secondary school, but still haunted by his strict religious upbringing. He is happily married to Alison until be...
On his retirement, widower Paul Jenkins decides to live with his sister by the sea. But having moved in, the idyllic life that he has been hankering after is thrown into turmoil when he comes face to face with a burglar in the middle of the night....