Witnessing the tearing down of the dance hall where they first met, John and Margaret watch their marriage also crumble, until a whimsical act by the family dog sets off a series of events that affects the couple and their two children...
Fans of Jonathan Coe will love this extraordinary panoramic novel, which turns upon the whirligig of life that is Costford, a North Western town, in 1970.
Costford, a brash north of England town. It's 1970 and young Trevor Morgan has a magic...
One day in the life of an English pub--abounds with sadness, banter, and exuberant storytelling, showing all the communal spirit and camaraderie of a pub Dawn and Frank wake up one wet morning in the flat above their pub, the Old Spring. Today they h...
Love and betrayal. Expectations and disappointments. Love and hate. Expectations and revelations. This is a short story narrated from Judas Iskariot's point of view and added to his is the point of view of one of the shepherd's who watched his flock ...
Desire, Judgment, Genocide, Pharaoh, Revelation…How can the angels be viewed as being lower than the newly created humans? Follow the Nephilim as their lust overtakes them and they become the Fallen…then follow Satan-el as he murders humanity…I...
By winning the lotto he became President of the United States of America and changed a Nation! He won the hearts of the people and he won the heart of his woman! A Novel full of determination and romance....
This book is based on a true story. Perhaps by reading it you will know what that Higher Love is and perhaps it will help you find the 'Higher Love'. Higher love. who can understand it? It's depth it's heartache. yes, the lo...
This novel of the Salem Witch Trials from the point of view of a judge is “leavened with wit [and] finely crafted” (Kirkus Reviews). In a colony struggling for survival, in a mysterious new world where infant mortality is high and sin is t...
A US Marine is chosen by the Agency for a mission that goes awry. His path takes him through finding love in a war zone into slavery and death matches in the gladiator pits of Southeast Asia. On the way he discovers a secret government project that c...