In a post-apocalyptic world of endless snow, Captain Romulus Buckle and the stalwart crew of the Pneumatic Zeppelin must embark on a perilous mission to rescue their kidnapped leader, Balthazar Crankshaft, from the impenetrable City of the Founders. ...
The frozen wasteland of Snow World -- known as Southern California before an alien invasion decimated civilization -- is home to warring steampunk clans. Crankshafts, Imperials, Tinskins, Brineboilers, and many more all battle one another for preciou...
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Richard Ellis Preston has published 2 books.
Richard Ellis Preston does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Romulus Buckle & the Engines of War, was published in November 2013.
The first book by Richard Ellis Preston, Romulus Buckle & the City of the Founders, was published in July 2013.