May 31, 1883, 3:55 p.m. Twenty thousand men, women, and children, their faces shining in the late afternoon sun, are strolling the Eighth Wonder of the World. The Brooklyn Bridge is open just a week, its promenade a magnet for the teeming masses of...
New York City, August 1889: within sight of Madison Square Park, a man lays dead in a darkened construction site. Jim Tupper, a Mohawk of the Iroquois nation, stands over the body. Within minutes he's seen. And as police whistles scream in the night,...
A riveting tale of river piracy, gang wars, and the worst catastrophe to hit New York City before September 11, 2001In 1904 the Hudson and East Rivers were vital to the people of Manhattan. They offered families an escape from the squalor of the tene...