The plots of two novels intertwine and contaminate one other in this innovative and deeply affecting tale about the boundaries of fiction, friendship, and love. When John allows his best friend Julian to read his novel, it becomes clear to Julian tha...
By chance, Daniel and Isobel both find themselves visiting a city of long-ago memories. Each is haunted by their time spent previously there, a past in which they attended the same course, fell in love and almost - but not quite - began a relationshi...
Raegan and RJ Save the Day' has won both 2014 'Pinnacle' and 'Readers' Favorite' book awards! Raegan and RJ Save the Day is a full color graphic novel in the “Raegan and RJ in Space” series. In this exciting adventure, Raegan and her little broth...
A semi-ephemeral tale of a a man's search for new excitement when he steps aside from his superstar status in the business world. Sad, sometimes funny, occasionally brutal, but always thought provoking....
An old, presumably ignorant, Southern Italian peasant unwittingly unleashes a unique and artistic talent from within himself which uproots him from his dull rustic routine and sets him on the road to global renown. On his often baffling journey into ...
Richard L. Collins was born in Casper, Wyoming, and was raised in Sunnyvale, California. He attended Fremont Union High School and San Jose State University. Thankfully, Richard was prodded by his father to learn a trade as backup to make a living. R...
Aidan Manning is a London barrister with a flourishing career. Evelyn Machin is an ER surgeon from Los Angeles who saves lives every day. They live over five thousand miles apart, but one night in 2005, they wake up in the same place. Near a house on...
Richard L. Collins was born in Casper, Wyoming, and was raised in Sunnyvale, California. He attended Fremont Union High School and San Jose State University. Thankfully, Richard was prodded by his father to learn a trade as a backup to make...
When his novel is stolen by a celebrity author, Archie Lees embarks on a helter-skelter odyssey seeking justice in the dark worlds of Anglo-American publishing, the tale swinging from London to Barcelona, New York, Aigues-Mortes and back again over t...
This is a graphic novel which tells the story of the first Christians to leave Earth to colonize the Alpha Centauri Star System, our closest star neighbor. Their dream was to settle on a planet there and celebrate the first Christmas in another star ...