Set in the Netherlands against the backdrop of the Great Depression and through World War II, Family Business follows the story of Agatha Meijer and her sons, Andr? and Johan, as they build their textile business, a business Agatha is determined h...
From Shortlisted Author of the 2015 Kobo Emerging Writer Prize, Renny deGroot comes a new Historical Fiction. Liesbeth Zwart forges her identity with courage and aptitude while nursing in France during WW1. As Liesbeth Bos, she feels that id...
He is an inspiring journalist, but Emmet Ryan has no idea that his words have the power to destroy those he loves the most. TORN ASUNDER is a 91,000-word Literary Fiction (Historical) about a conflicted man set during one of Ireland’s most turbulen...
Gordie MacLean, a 53-year-old bachelor detective is content minding his own patch of Cape Breton Island with its rugged coastal landscape and low crime rate. When the remains of a missing person are discovered though, he's in the right place at the r...
Leaving her past in Germany, Gretha Braun's new life on Cape Breton Island Canada is cut short when she is brutally murdered.With international and local pressures urgently demanding they find the killer, Detectives Gordie MacLean and Roxanne Albrigh...
Shannon Coyne and her cocker spaniel, Dusty, live in the lower flat of a century home in Port Hope, Ontario, with her best friend Piet Van Loo living upstairs. Her career in real estate is taking off. She has friends she loves and is close enough to ...
As a new crime unfolds, Detective Gordie MacLean finds himself drawn into a web of intrigue that will test his skills and change his life forever.A local horticulturist has created a new rose variety that everyone is talking about. On the d...