One Springy, Singy Day is a vibrant, joyful story that follows a diverse cast of young children as they play throughout their day. Inspired by author-illustrator ReneÌ?e’s own “busy bee” two-year-old, this love note from parent to child illust...
A magical graphic novel adventure perfect for fans of Peter & Ernesto or Tiger vs. Nightmare After planting a seed packet in the backyard, things don’t go as expected for best friends Anna and Tess. They fall asleep in the sun and wake up to bl...
An homage to the joys of the season—from jumping into piles of leaves, to trick-or-treating, to baking tasty meals—written in sweet and simple verse by a #1 New York Times bestselling artist.Colors bursting, shadows tall. There&...
From Renée Kurilla, author and illustrator of One Springy, Singy Day, comes an exploration of the not-so-great days of toddlerdom and the ways little ones can self-soothe to ease those upside-downy days away. Sluggish, Weepy, Eyes still lookin...
There's so much to love about winter! From snowball fights with friends to holidays spent with loved ones, cozy up with this celebration of a festive, favorite season from #1 New York Times bestselling artist Renée Kurilla.Flurries fl...