The start of a thrilling, highly illustrated series about a boy who finds a portal to a legendary world in his local barbershop . . . and learns he’s the hero they’ve been waiting for. For younger fans of Black Panther and Last Gate of th...
Unlock your inner hero!Jarell has accepted his destiny as the savior of Ulfrika. But when he's summoned back to the kingdom through the magical portal in his cousin's barbershop, he finds it in even greater danger than when he left. A powerful god ha...
The third installment of the action-packed Future Hero seriesperfect for younger fans of Black Panther!Jarell answered the call of his ancestors and proved that he's a worthy defender of the kingdom of Ulfrika. But with time running out, will h...
The third installment of the action-packed Future Hero series--perfect for younger fans of Black Panther!Jarell answered the call of his ancestors and proved that he's a worthy defender of the kingdom of Ulfrika. But with time running out, will he fi...