Fred the Mouse Book Two: Making Friends, written by the youngest published fiction author in America, Reese Haller, is about the scurry and scamper champoion, Fred the Mouse, who leaves home in search of a magical place in his dreams where the creatu...
Fre the Mouse Book Three: Rescuing Freedom, written by the youngest published fiction author in America, Reese Haller, is about the Scurry and Scamper Champion, Fred the mouse. In this magnificent adventure Fred attempts to rescue a white mouse livin...
When around Christmastime the white mouse that Fred and his cousin Frank had tried to set free the summer before decides that freedom is better than her cage, Fred and Frank work together to help her escape and learn about generosity....
The Watch Keeper takes on the growing societal issue of school bullying as a young teen finds himself on a heros journey in which he metaphorically fights his own fear-generated demons, discovers his inner strength, and uses it to champion a noble ca...