This "undeniably moving and emotionally true" debut novel offers the emotional complexity and narrative scope of A Visit from the Goon Squad and resonates with the strong mystical nature of Swamplandia (Publishers Weekly, starred review)Most of us h...
A group of childhood friends reunites after tragedy strikes one of their own in this “riveting portrayal of the joys and mysteries of growing up, and of friendship itself” -- with echoes of Freaks and Geeks and The Big Chill (People).ONE OF THE B...
A taut, page-turning novel of secrets and strife. When two families -- one rich, one not -- vacation together off the coast of South Carolina, little do they know that someone won't be returning home. Fripp Island, South Carolina is the perfect desti...
“Rebecca Kauffman writes like a sunbeam, strong and warm on whatever lands in her path. This book only looks short -- in reality, it reveals a family so richly drawn, so deep and complex, that it contains the whole world.” -- Emma StraubA modern...