Sons of God tells the story of Raechev, the most powerful female Nephelim still roaming the face of the earth. Two and a half thousand years ago, she incurred the wrath of Elohim when she disobeyed his command: the Nephelim--an ancient half-breed rac...
If you like FANTASY, ANCIENT RELIGIONS, ANCIENT MYSTERIES, ARCHAEOLOGY, HISTORY, and SUPERNATURAL/SPIRITUAL WARFARE, you will love Secrets of the Immortal Nephilim. Secrets of the Immortal Nephilim series has been dubbed the Da Vinci Code for Twiligh...
NIMROD - called the greatest hunter by Elohim, the builder of the Tower of Babel, and the former ruler of all the world - has no challenges left. His only remaining intellectual competition is the trickster Loki, who is rarely heard from anymore. As ...
THOR survives Odin’s court, BERSERKER RAGE, WEREWOLVES, and the BATTLE of RAGNAROK (the DOOM of the GODS) to discover that he is worse off than before. His brother, LOKI, and ex-lover, Jarnsaxa, still wreak havoc in his life. WITCHCRAFT, FALLEN ...
Accursed, CALEB’s depression and disgust of the world builds till he learns he has a choice. Turning righteous and vowing to raise his baby sister for Elohim, he finally finds comfort and a purpose. Selfishly, he keeps his sister from her betrothed...
The apostle John’s smile lit up his face. “Thousands of years old... Born before the flood... Witness to Mount Sinai... Aid to Joshua... Friend of David... Advisor to Solomon... Confidant of prophets... And communicator with archangels, yet still...