When 14-year-old Elizabeth is found dead in the haunted house of a failing Catskills theme park, most of the citizens of nearby Eden Grove believe she must have taken her own life. However, the town's promising snowboard star, Danielle, thinks otherw...
The Kingdom of Childhood is the story of a boy and a woman: sixteen-year-old Zach Patterson, uprooted and struggling to reconcile his knowledge of his mother's extramarital affair, and Judy McFarland, a kindergarten teacher watching her family unrave...
Alone since her mother's death, Jill Wagner wants to eat, sleep and breathe Cade Olmstead when he bursts upon her life -- golden, handsome and ambitious. Even putting college on hold feels like a minor sacrifice when she discovers she's pregnant with...
Twice the loveā¦ Or twice the heartache? What happens when the smartest girl in the room grows up? Emilia Reid used to be amazing. Used to be. At an age when most girls are navigating junior high, she started college. That's where she met fell...
A beaver caught in a lie; a caterpillar with low self-esteem; a bird who is bullied for his size; a mouse who encounters Jesus. All these and more are friends you will make along the way as you dive into Twenty-Two Outrageous Tales Including Fat-Mile...
There is only one day, and I live it over and over.Convicted of murder at age twenty-three, Clara Mattingly lost her promising future decades ago when she joined her boyfriend on his impulsive crime spree. Since that day, she has led a stoic and isol...