The Heinemann Plays series offers contemporary drama and classic plays in durable classroom editions. Many have large casts and an equal mix of boy and girl parts. This play deals with the horror and futility of trench warfare, as Captain Stanhope an...
This charming, timeless classic about a family of five setting out on their annual seaside vacation is “the most uplifting, life-affirming novel I can think of...the beautiful dignity to be found in everyday living has rarely been captured more del...
From the writer of Journey's End , now a major motion picture starring Paul Bettany, Sam Claflin and Asa Butterfield. Roger Matthews is the Vicar of picturesque village, Little Stanton. He happily tends to his friendly flock and is almost ready to...
Lord Swayne owned a well-protected castle on a particularly strategic stretch of the English coast. A powerful Earl with estates nearby coveted the castle and its surrounding land. Under the guise of protecting King John from treachery, he declared h...
The trouble began when Lord Colindale, millionaire newspaper-owner and 'strong man' of British politics, came down for a week-end to Colonel Joyce's country house. For a year Colindale had been forced out of public life by crippling rheumatism which ...
"Power...Power to walk into the gold vaults of nations, amidst the secrets of kings, into the Holy of Holies Power to make multitudes run squealing in terror, at the touch of my little invisible finger " - Claude Rains as The Invisible Man Includes ...
A stunning speculative novel about a small English village preparing of the end of the world.Edgar Hopkins is a retired math teacher with a strong sense of self-importance, whose greatest pride is winning poultry-breeding contests. When not meticulou...