When given the drug Moonshadow, Clifford Remington's memory is erased, but after a mysterious disease infects the nation, only he holds the key to stop the hideous plans of a top secret Washington agency...
In a race against time, Geoffrey Kane strives to untangle the unfathomable truth behind a vicious network of hitmen and thieves called Excalibur, who use the money from jewel heists to buy blackmarket plutonium--the key ingredient in a homemade atomi...
As he becomes involved with a tough, intelligent teenager who has escaped from a juvenile detention center, seventeen-year-old Eric begins to examine his relationships with his girlfriend and his divorced parents...
The irreverent, outrageous novels of Raymond Obstfeld - written under the pseudonym Laramie Dunaway - five readers everywhere something to laugh about. Each book, his wisecracking, exuberant characters plunge head and heart first into grim modern rea...
Stevie Croft, Orange County’s most successful prosecutor, is running a losing campaign for district attorney when she is assigned to the most heinous crime in the county’s history. A body is discovered composed of t...