The arrival of retired Admiral Charles Deering upsets the placid waters of existence for retired Navy nurse Peggy McCoy, who finds an exhilarating change in her life with this strong-willed personality...
A mysterious holiday shopping emporium harbors many unanticipated experiences, such as the incredible discovery among the shake-and-snow paperweights, romance across the countertop, a surprise result from a free perfume sample, and more. Reprint....
WINGED It's a scene straight from Hitchcock. Renowned ornithologist and bird artist Jonathan Wilder finds the body of local politician Rod Ramsey dressed in a scarecrow costume and propped up in the middle of a cornfield in the company of crows. ...
BIRDS OF PREY Artist and bird lover Jonathan Wilder is eager to view four newly discovered works of legendary painter John James Audubon, purchased by friend and art philanthropist Brian Ravener. But at the first showing, notorious art critic Abel La...
"For generations, the Devil's Hawk - El Halcon Satanico - has struck terror in the hearts of suspicious Mexicans. Those who see the great bird circling above them in the sky know that death will follow soon." "Is the bird really an emissary of the de...