Princess Sharlin, the swordsman Dar, Thurgood the wizard, and Toothpick the dwarf embark on a perilous quest to awaken the legendary Golden Dragon, their sole hope of defeating the evil Nightwing, the Black Dragon...
An ancient evil, the Corrupter, awakens to blight the land, and Lady Alorie, the sole hope of the world, must bring together the forces of the elves, dwarfs, and humans to reclaim control, while struggling to elude a powerful, black killer unicorn...
THE END -- AND THE BEGINNING For the Princess Sharlin the awakening of the dragons brings a promise of hope: only with the powers of the pregnant Dragon Queen Turiana can Sharlin return home and lead her people to victory over the evil sorceress. ...
Princess Sharlin, her husband Dar, and Turiana, the golden dragon queen, race against time to find Balforth, Sharlin and Dar's infant son, before the evil Baalan can use the baby in a horrifying blood ritual...