An Ugly Place To Die There's nothing pretty about Mexico in 1914. On the verge of a bloody civil war that's spiraling out of control, it's no place for hotheads or weak hearts--a place where only real men survive...if they're lucky. As an officer fo...
ACROSS THE RIVER...AND INTO HELL Travis Ross and Chase McAlister were infamous Indian hunters, scouts and Texas Rangers turned ranchers. In a war of independence, they fought against desperate odds. Travis lost a woman, the daughter of a proud Mexic...
In the days of reconstruction after the Civil War, a wild strip of land in northern Louisiana remained unconquered by troops and untamed by the law. This is the story of the fearless veterans--Union and Confederate--who dared to enter this beautiful ...
A nation is staggering to its feet after the long, devastating Civil War. The West is full of dreamers, wanderers, fighters and builders. One man has a plan to build a railroad--that plunges him into a brutal battle for survival. In A Land Of Beau...