Front flap: "Once a man and woman and boy were wrecked on an uninhabited coast. The boy's mother and father grew old, and at last the boy, a man now, was left alone. There in the wilderness he saw and did many wonderful things, but he had no one to s...
“A most literate account of a group of most literate people by a writer of power . . . A delight of true understanding.” -- Wallace Stevens, Pulitzer Prize"winning poetBeneath the unassuming surface of a progressive women’s co...
Once upon a time there was a mothe . . . who loved her daughter so much, she wanted to make her a wonderful surprise. So she mixed up some dough and cut out a beautiful gingerbread rabbit. But she got the surprise when the rabbit jumped up, ran ou...
Storytelling as a fundamental human impulse, one that announces itself at the moment, hidden in infancy, that dreams begin -- this is what the poet and critic Randall Jarrell set out to illuminate in this extraordinary book. Here Jarrell presents bal...