This critically acclaimed, award-winning middle grade debut follows the story of the three Green children who are cared for by a nanny pig. Yes, a pig. A fabulously sassy and impeccably dressed pig as a matter of fact! With her insatiable urge to eat...
The world's most fabulous nanny pig is back in this side-splitting sequel to The Adventures of Nanny Piggins! When Mr. Green announces his diabolical plan-he has decided to get married-his children are horrified. Because if he finds a wife, he'll...
Watch out Santa, Nanny Piggins is coming to town this Christmas!This is not a survival guide to Christmas. This is a guide to conquering the Yuletide season! That's right, it is time to take a stand - don't suffer through another year of brussels spr...
A flying pig's job is never done... With a runaway lion loose in the neighborhood, Derrick, Samantha, and Michael feel scared. Nanny Piggins feels like a slice of cake. And Boris feels like that lion looks strangely familiar... But if there was...
In space, no one can hear you oink!
Derrick, Samantha, and Michael should be in school. Instead they find themselves in NASA's space shuttle, which Nanny Piggins manages to accidentally launch, blasting them all into outer space. Th...
The most dangerous pig ever to put on a leotard
In book five of her enthralling adventures, Nanny Piggins discovers some startling truths about the ruthless Ringmaster, provides counseling to a Molavadinian princess with pre-wedding jitter...
Never fear, Nanny Piggins is here!
When Mr. Green calls from a tropical island, begging to be rescued, Nanny Piggins' first instinct is to say no. However, a principle is at stake. No one kidnaps her employer -- at least not without writt...
Justice served with extra chocolate sauce
Nanny Piggins gets in trouble with the law after some illicit tight rope walking, and is sentenced to 5000 hours community service. But she isn't the type of pig to take her punishment lying down, ...
Imagine if Sherlock Holmes was an eleven-year-old girl! When Friday Barnes, girl genius, solves a bank robbery, she uses the reward money to send herself to Highcrest Academy, the most exclusive boarding school in the country―and discovers it's ...
A vote for Piggins is a vote for cake!
In this riveting eighth installment of Nanny Piggins’ adventures, she sets out to thwart Mr. Green’s political ambitions by running for mayor herself. Her mission -- to proudly fight for L...
Friday Barnes, girl detective, is... under arrest?! Getting arrested was the last thing Friday expected after solving the swamp-yeti mystery at her boarding school. But she better clear her name fast! She’s got new cases to investigate, like a s...
In the third book in R.A. Spratt's hilarious Friday Barnes Mystery series, crime hits close to home when Friday Barnes learns her mother has been kidnapped. But her detective work gets put aside when Friday is distracted by other happenings at school...
Headmasters behaving badly! When four former headmasters arrive at Highcrest Academy to take part in the school's anniversary celebrations, the students are warned to be on their best behaviour. Unfortunately, no one told the headmasters to stay ...
Friday Barnes has been deported to Switzerland ... but we need her back! With their go-to detective gone, Highcrest Academy has descended into chaos. Someone's fired all the teachers as an epic prank, and suspicion falls on Ian Wainscott, Friday'...
In this quirky middle-grade detective novel, mystery abounds but a girl genius is on the case! Crime hits close to home when Friday Barnes learns her mother has been kidnapped. But her detective work gets put aside when Friday is distracted by ot...
Friday's time at Highcrest is running out! The new headmaster is turning everything upside down. Friday's irritatingly high IQ has her fast-tracked to graduation, while a pair of incriminating pants puts Ian on the rocky road to expulsion. When a ...
Life is hard enough without having to spend time with your siblings. But there is no other way for Joe, Fin and April Peski to solve the mystery of the cockroach catastrophes that is rocking their new home town of Currawong. Along with Loretta, the...
School camp . . . what could possibly go wrong? Friday Barnes is forced to face her biggest fear—her own emotions! She must wave goodbye to Ian as he takes off to join his father in the Cayman Islands. But when your dad is a white-collar crimin...
Friday Barnes is being attacked on all fronts! When she gets involved in her frenemy Ian Wainscott’s family dispute, it appears her knack for uncovering the truth may ruin their friendship. Meanwhile, there’s two new teachers—a cele...
Trouble on the Arctic tundra! Friday is not running away. Yes, she did get on a train to Norway without telling anyone where she was going – but she had to help Binky. He may or may not have been attacked by a polar bear. Now he’s facing...
A lovestruck merpig, a peppermint-stick Parthenon, a vegetarian spider and so much more! From R.A. Spratt, bestselling author of Friday Barnes and Shockingly Good Stories, comes this collection of twenty terrific tales perfect for fans of Roald Dahl...
Crime is afoot in the city of love in the 11th Friday Barnes mystery! Someone stole the Mona Lisa. Okay, it was over a hundred years ago, but a recently uncovered letter reveals that the thief forged a copy. That means that the painting in the Louvre...
Funny, shocking and brilliant: from bestselling author R. A. Spratt, a whip-smart take on Shakespearean moral dilemmas Selby hates homework. She would rather watch daytime television – anything to escape the tedium of school, her parents&r...