During an early morning jog, Atlanta attorney Tom Halloran discovers the body of his friend and colleague, Elliot Carter, hanging from a tree in Piedmont Park. Even worse, the private and dignified Carter is grotesquely dressed in women's clothes. Ha...
Hollis Joplin, a death investigator with the Milton County Medical Examiner's Office, is back on the job after being attacked and almost killed three months earlier. But he almost wishes he'd stayed home when he's called to a scene tha...
It's almost Thanksgiving, and Hollis Joplin, a death investigator for the Milton County ME's Office in Atlanta, is looking forward to the holiday season, not to mention his wedding to Carrie Salinger in the spring. But his rare sense of optimism is s...
It's mid-August of 2016, and the Hallorans invite Hollis and Carrie Joplin to spend the weekend at Healey and Caldwell's golf retreat at Wolfscratch in the North Georgia mountains. Although a very pregnant Carrie is happy to escape Atlanta's steamy h...